Authorised representative of AIA Singapore Private Limited (Reg. No. 201106386R)
Our Services

Our approach towards financial planning –
We promise our clients that in our first meeting, there will never be product sales. We take our clients through a process where we will share what we do for our clients before we take them through the Discovery Process.
The first meeting will be on us including the coffee, this is where we identify our role and how the financial planning relationship is going to take place.
We do a thorough analysis of each client’s needs and wants as we are fully aware that every client is different. A solution will be designed to meet those needs. We are compensated by the implementation of your solutions.
One of the key success factors to a successful portfolio is the regular monitoring and review of the client’s situation. We believe that no plan is cast in stone.
We categorise our services into the 3 Ws – Wealth Accumulation, Wealth Protection and Wealth Preservation.
What We
Wealth Accumulation For many people, accumulation of wealth can be a tedious process as there are so many products out in the market that talk about the rate of returns. In Singapore, we hear many saying that they are worried that they do not have enough to retire with as the cost of living (inflation) is always rising. Education for our next generation is a big thing here in Singapore as a good education can potentially put our children in a more advantageous position in society. The decision to provide our children in a local tertiary or an overseas one depends on many factors. Or it could be about accumulating for a medium term needs like purchasing of a home etc. Our Discovery Process will help you determine a strategy that allows you to generate your desired savings to achieve your various financial objectives. Wealth accumulation planning is a process, not a one-time event. To manage it effectively, you need a strategy or game plan that can adapt to changing market conditions as well as to personal needs, goals and objectives- any of which may change dramatically over time.
Wealth Protection As we spend majority of our time working to earn a good income to support our wealth accumulation objectives, life catastrophes can happen to anyone without any early warning. You need to ensure that you and your family remain totally financially secure - whatever happens. In our view, ensuring that you have adequate life, health and income protection is a priority above anything else. With the introduction of MediShield Life in 2015, is the private medical insurance scheme still relevant? Private medical insurance will still be important to provide family members with access to private healthcare in restructured or private hospitals. Typically this can mean that treatment is received more promptly and private operations can be performed at your convenience by a surgeon of your choice, often at a hospital that you choose.
Wealth Preservation Wealth Preservation There are 2 certainties in life; Death and Taxes! We ensure that the money is distributed to the right people at the right time. Many times, you hear people saying: “Ya, the Will thing, I have always thought of doing it but never really got around to put it in place.” We bring this service closer for our clients. Why the importance of Estate planning? This is where you define how you will share your legacy. This means having your affairs in order and enabling your family and loved ones to make decisions on your behalf upon your death. The first step to establishing an estate plan is to create a will. A will is a must, no matter how many possessions you have or however simple you think your financial affairs are. The advantages are numerous, and the problems of not having one are so time consuming and costly that you should not postpone having one drawn up.
Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) What happens when a person is no longer capable of handling or managing their own affairs and finances? You may also wish to consider a 'Lasting Power of Attorney' (LPA) under the Office of the Public Guardian. The LPA which allows you to appoint somebody to look after you and your personal welfare and healthcare. This effectively replaces what was commonly known as the 'Living Will'. If you are unable to look after your own affairs, and you do not have a Lasting Power of Attorney, the Court Appointed Deputy will manage your affairs for you. There will probably be significant legal fees due and the Deputy may not be aware of your personal circumstances. This could apply to anyone, at any age, by reason of illness, disability or mental impairment who may no longer be able to deal with even simple matters like handling a bank or building society account or transacting a house sale.